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A member registered May 02, 2021

Recent community posts

Yumi is mine

Thanks man

Can't find the distorted dimension

That better not be permanent man, surely

What the fuck is this, I take a few pictures of this girls bum and now I gotta put down a student uprising, sick world man

Only real criticism I'd give is to space out the updates a bit more to include more content.  Can't stop myself from coming back every week lmao, but then I'm slightly disappointed when there's only a few additions.  

Sensei is undoubtedly my least favorite character, like by a lot

Ending my life if you make us grind as much as we did in the last version

The joke became tiresome after it went on for a few minutes of dialogue

Kana is best girl and it's not even close

Also the Maya/Noriko stuff is amazing. By far the most intriguing part of the game.

I'm so torn between Yumi and Noriko. I'm hesitant to say Noriko is best girl because I feel like Yumi's tsundere arc will be strong.


Yumi is best girl. I've maintained this.

Why are some of the animations so choppy? Also, will there ever be a gallery for the animations?

I love Noriko so much